stud Marcopuszta
mostly chestnut
ca. 155cm to 168cm, stallions mostly from 160cm
Anglo-Arabian type; expressive head, concave profile, large bright eyes, fine, pointed ears; medium long, well-shaped neck, prominent withers, long sloping shoulder, broad chest, strong, long in back, long, strong, slightly sloping croup, high tail set; correct, clear legs, well marked tendons and joints, something short pastern, hard hooves
Inner Values
lively, persistent, hard, dependable, frugal, intelligent, strong nerves, adaptable, sometimes difficult temperament
very good movements and jumping equipment
riding (eventer), driving (pass team)
In 1816 chestnut Egyptian Arabian "Gidran Senior", born in 1810, was imported to Lipizza by Count Fechting. There he was mated with Spanish mare "Arrogante", who was then transferred pregnant to Mezöhegyes. There they established one of the three most importand breeds of Hungary, the Gidran horse. As the type of the horse became more and more thoroughbred in character people started to bring oriental blood.
Nowadays they are purebred in Marcopuszta stud under supervision of the Pannon university.